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Your Dreams are Valid, we Empower You to Be.

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We guide you to make smart financial decisions.

Money Guide Africa is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young African individuals with financial education. Our mission is to provide the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to help them make smart financial decisions that can positively impact and improve their livelihood.


What We Offer

Our goal is to empower and equip young individuals across the African continent with the skills, knowledge and resources necessary to make smart  financial decisions that positively impact their lives.

Personal Finance Courses

Our program offers personal finance courses on how to plan, manage and grow your money. This covers budgeting, saving and investing. 


Our courses help you make smart informed financial decisions and achieve your goals.

Personal Finance Programs

Our financial education platform offers programs that are designed to help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your financial goals. 


Our programs are interactive and they provide opportunities to network, ask questions and get feedback from finance experts. 

Access to Personal Finance Resources & Experts.

We provide you with exclusive access to a wealth of personal finance resources and connect you with financial experts. Here, you'll find the tools, knowledge, and expertise you need to take control of your financial journey and make informed decisions. Join us in shaping a more financially empowered future!"

Schools and Clubs we have worked with

We have partnered with tertiary schools and clubs to provide students with resources to make smart financial decisions.

University of Ghana
Moni Group
Living in Today Foundation

What Our Participants Say

The general session was good and educative because most of us did not know how to use and save money so it helped us a lot.

Obah Adwoa Elizabeth.


I think it was very educative and not boring because the resource person was able to communicate based on our level such that we could relate to certain things in order to clearly understand what was being taught

Emmanuella Agyemang

- Central University

Honestly, It was an amazing Session and I can boldly say I have learnt how to manage my finances.

Tilly Green,
University of Ghana

Donate to Money Guide Africa’s Financial Education Initiative.

Your generous contribution can help us expand our reach and provide even more comprehensive financial literacy resources and workshops.
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